Moshpit - Entrevista a Dementia 13

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Re: Moshpit - Esta semana - Especial SWR Barroselas Metalfest

Mensagempor Cyberquake » segunda abr 26, 2010 10:33 am

MoshPit 98 - Semana 26 de Abril a 2 de Maio 2010

Nesta semana damos destaque aos novos trabalhos de Besatt, Hooded Menace, Axel Rudi Pell, Gwydion, Mago de Oz, Celestia, entre outras.

Na próxima semana não iremos transmitir novo programa, devido a estarmos no festival SWR Barroselas Metalfest, pelo que a edição da próxima semana será repetida.

Contem com um primeiro programa de rescaldo do SWR daqui a 2 semanas, estamos a preparar algumas entrevistas, penso que irão gostar.

Até daqui a 2semanas, e se nos virem no SWR, não se acanhem de nos pagar uma cerveja!


Spoiler: Mostrar
Hooded Menace - As the Creatures Ascend
Krabathor - Rebith Of Blasphemy
Besatt - Born in Flames (Asmodeus)
Vredehammer - Kald
Axel Rudi Pell - Glory Night
Esseker - Recordandote
Napalm Death - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Disrupt - Dog Eat Dog
Sepultura - Troops of Doom
Sexoturica - Zone of Death
Avantasia - Runaway Train
A Tortured Soul - Rust
Gwydion - Fara I Viking
Mago de Oz - Vodka & Roll
Neverland - No One Leaves The Hive
Infensus Inferi - Incubating The Hellspawn
Celestia - Demhiurghic Deity (Devilution)
Profanus Nathrakh - Unholy Trinity
Xasthur - Miscarriage of the Soul
Vermis Antecessor - Caught Beneath The Agony of Defeat
Obituary - On The Floor
Burning Memories - Innocent Man
Final Mercy - Anger
Memorial Death - Ship of War


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Re: Moshpit - Gravações temporariamente suspensas, ver pag [13]

Mensagempor Cyberquake » terça mai 04, 2010 3:09 pm

Após mais um belo fim-de-semana em Barroselas, é com imensa tristeza que ao regressarmos ao Porto nos deparamos com a notícia que o nosso estúdio tinha sido assaltado na madrugada de quinta para sexta-feira, tendo levado imenso material de gravação e edição (uma mesa de mistura digital, monitores, microfones, etc), pelo que as gravações de novos programas pela Engenharia Rádio estão temporariamente suspensas até que se encontre uma nova solução.

Fizemos bastantes entrevistas em Barroselas, essas entrevistas não serão esquecidas e serão publicadas assim que conseguirmos retomar as gravações. Nesta semana ainda iremos publicar uma entrevista em formato texto, feita a Putrid Pile, entrevista essa parcialmente publicada no booklet distribuido no SWR deste ano, sendo publicada integralmente ainda nesta semana no nosso site.

Os planos para o programa 100 ainda estão em pé, mas agora terão de ser repensadas novas datas.

Iremos dar updates sempre que se justificar.

Ivo Leitão

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Re: Moshpit - Gravações temporariamente suspensas, entrevista a Putrid Pile - ver pag [13]

Mensagempor Cyberquake » segunda mai 10, 2010 9:29 am

Entrevista a Putrid Pile

O Festival SWR Barroselas Metalfest já passou, o MoshPit fez bastantes entrevistas, que assim que seja possível retomar as emissões iremos disponibilizar as mesmas.

Aos que foram ao festival, devem ter reparado no "booklet" distribuídio pelo recinto com os horários das bandas e algumas entrevistas, podem encontrar lá parte de uma entrevista feita a Shaun LaCanne, mentor do seu projecto Putrid Pile. A entrevista foi realizada por um dos locutores do MoshPit, e é disponibilizada agora em formato integral:

Spoiler: Mostrar
1) Hello Shaun, thanks a lot for your time, say, how did your project Putrid Pile get started?

Well when my old band Numskull fell apart I wanted to stay part of the underground to play with the bands ii was friends with and looked up to musicians, so I picked p a drum machine and started writing songs right away! I originally started the band as a studio project and as the shows kept coming more and more I decided to keep playing the live gigs because it was going over so well and next thing you know I have 1000's of rabid fans and have gotten to see the world! I couldn’t have asked for anything more! It’s been a very awesome ride that’s for sure!

2) Throughout the years you had a few band mates to play alongside you, but in the end Putrid Pile stayed as a one man band. Do you feel it's the right choice?

Yes I do. A couple of different people have come and gone and I’m still friends with those people, but in the end its better just being the one man for putrid pile I think. It’s easier for me to get up and go to play shows and I can practice whenever it’s available for me to do so. It’s just easier all around in the end so I just decided to keep it that way. I don’t think the band would have the same effect if I added other members these days. And most of the fans like it that way as well, so I think for now I’ll just keep it like that. If I were to get other members I would just start another band I think.

3) How do you compose your songs? Especially the drums, since it's not your native instrument?

Well I can play the drums so I know going into it what I want right off the bat. 90% of the songs I write start out with drum beats and then I add the riffs later. I’ve written full songs on the drums alone before and then the riffs when that was done. Also sometimes I’ll come up with a riff in my head and start with that riff and then add the drums after I’ve written like 2 or 3 riffs. It all kinds depends on the song I guess, really.

4) Speaking of your last album "House of Dementia", I noticed that your riffs were more technical than your previous works. What motives you to do so?

Well I think my first CD Collection Of Butchery would have been like that as well, but I needed to get comfortable with playing like and singing at the same time. It was kind of gradual you can see this from the 1st CD to the 3rd. I think over the years I’ve been more and more comfortable with playing and singing at the same time so it allows me to play more like I like and not so mid-paced and COB is. I love the CD don’t get me wrong, but I like to play to the best of my ability and I’ve come pretty close to that as of now. Got a little more work and experimenting to do, but I’m very comfortable with how things are going at the moment.

5) Where did you record "House of Dementia"? Personally, I think the production is great. Do you feel the same way?

Yes I do and thank you!! I record all of my works at my friend Scott Creekmore’s studio Mercenary Digital Studios in Beach Park Il. USA. I’ve recorded everything from the Bleed For Me Demo to House Of Dementia. We’re great friends and we work really well together so everything works out good for both of us!

6) What reactions did you receive from your fans or the media, regarding House of Dementia?

Everyone says it’s my best work to date! It’s been well received and I’m very happy with the outcome all the way around. I’m happy everyone understands my vision alongside me. It’s been really phenomenal!!

7) You released your three albums on different labels, why was that? In Portugal we have a saying that says "at the third time, it goes well or cracks", so, is Sevared Records to stay?

Well with each label it’s a different story, but what remains the same is I’ve signed a 1 album deal with each label and I’m searching for someone that will give me the best support I need to get my music out there. I have split CD coming out in a couple of months on Relapse Records so we will see how that will do. I could maybe sign with them, but I can’t really say right now because I don’t know. I could sign another deal with Sevared Records in the future or maybe not. I have to take it day by day and see what comes my way in the future. We will see! LOL!!

8) You played in Portugal a few months ago... what memories do you hold from that gig, and what can the Portuguese metalheads expect from your performance on this festival?

Well they can expect less "technical difficulties" I guess! LOL!! And maybe a little more energy. The last time when I played there at the Butchery At Christmas Time it was fucking cold as hell! LOL! But I had a great time nonetheless and can’t wait to come back. I plan to get a lot drunker this time! LOL! \m/

9) What gigs you played that you cherish the most? And why?

That’s a hard one because I love every gig in its own special way because it’s a great honor for me to travel the world and see sights but for these two reasons these two gigs hold very dear to my heart: Deathfeast 2009 in Germany because of the energy the crowd gave me and they moshed and circlepitted for my entire 45 min. set! Even in between songs the pit was circling and that gave me Goosebumps and was very high energy from start to finish! The second one I would have to say Obscene Extreme Festival 2008 Because of the great response and that was the most metalheads I’ve ever played in front of and the atmosphere and beers were something to write home about for sure! Those are the 2 gigs that stick out in my mind,but i think about all of the gigs ive ever played outside of my hometown. I take picture for the memories and go through them often!

10) Ok, what comes next in Putrid Pile career?

A split CD with Putrid Pile and Viral Load to be released by Relapse Records by June 2010. 3 new songs from each band. We both have our songs recorded right now and were in the process of mixing right now. It’s going to be sick so keep an eye out for it and show your support and pick it up!

11) Any last words for the Portuguese metalheads?

I’ll be seeing you all very soon! Get ready to have some beers with me and the European Repugnance Tour with Putrid Pile, Defeated Sanity, Cerebral Bore, and Scatorgy. Gonna be a great time for sure! Obrigado and I’ll see you in May!

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Re: Moshpit - MoshPit 99 - Entrevistas a Birdflesh [swe], Jucifer [us] e Immolation [us]

Mensagempor Cyberquake » segunda mai 24, 2010 8:04 pm

MoshPit 99 - Entrevistas a Birdflesh [swe], Jucifer [us] e Immolation [us]

O MoshPit finalmente de regresso! Esta edição é a primeira de 3 edições dedicadas ao rescaldo do festival SWR Barroselas Metalfest XIII! No programa desta semana divulgamos entrevistas aos suecos Birdflesh, com a Amber Valentine do duo norte-americano Jucifer e com Ross Dolan dos colossos americanos do Death Metal Immolation!

Destaque também para as novidades de Masterplan, Rhapsody of Fire, Exodus, Pain of Salvation, Grog, Pussyvibes, entre vários outros!!


Spoiler: Mostrar
Masterplan - Far From The End of the World
Rhapsody of Fire - Reign Of Terror
Grog - Fellowship of the Shaved Balls
Roadside Burial - Beneath the Boards
Pussyvibes - Whore Godesses of Mars
Wormrot - Exterminate
Exodus - Good Riddance
Annihilator - The Trend
Entrevista Birdflesh
Birdflesh - Wrath Of The Farmer
Trap Them - Day Thirty Eight: Carnage Incarnate
Amestigon - Sun Of All suns
Antipope - A Violent Ritual of Self-Enlightenment
Anaal Nathrakh - Submission is For the Weak
Pain of Salvation - No Way
Zombiekrig - Du måste ner
Sychatrissi - Gunpoint
Entrevista Jucifer
Jucifer - Contempt
MoonShine Prophet - Woodsmans 7th son
Kivimetsan Druidi - Tuoppein'nostelulaulu
WC Noise - Confusion
Entrevista - Immolation
Immolation - The Rapture of Ghosts

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Re: Moshpit - Entrevistas a Birdflesh [swe], Jucifer [us] e Immolation [us]

Mensagempor » terça mai 25, 2010 10:42 am

Fico contente que tenham conseguido retomar a normalidade.
andré henriques | Facebook
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Sir Sardine
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Re: Moshpit - Entrevistas a Birdflesh [swe], Jucifer [us] e Immolation [us]

Mensagempor Sir Sardine » terça mai 25, 2010 12:53 pm

Não é bem normalidade, mas para lá caminha. :)

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Sir Sardine
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Re: Moshpit - Entrevistas a Birdflesh [swe], Jucifer [us] e Immolation [us]

Mensagempor Sir Sardine » terça jun 08, 2010 6:39 pm

MoshPit 100 - Edição especial!!

Na 2ª metade do programa, estivemos à conversa com 6 convidados de variadas bandas, nomeadamente: Raça (Revolution Within), Pedro (Web), Miguel "Inglês" (Equaleft), "Gusto" Peixoto (Cycles, Headstone), Zé Pedro (Holocausto Canibal, Fetal Incest) e Alex "Bravo" (Fetal Incest), que vieram dar 2 letras de conversa, bem como passar algumas faixas que lhes influenciaram pessoalmente. Uma agradável conversa a não perder!

Na primeira parte do programa, damos destaque a algumas novidades, nomeadamente as faixas de Nevermore, Watain, Trigger the Bloodshed, Misery Index, entre outros!

Na próxima semana voltaremos às emissões normais, continuando a fazer o rescaldo do festival SWR Barroselas Metalfest XIII, com mais algumas entrevistas.

Até lá!


Spoiler: Mostrar
Watain - Reaping Death
Trigger the Bloodshed - A Vision Showing Nothing
Be'Lakor - From Scythe To Sceptre
Utopium - Atrophy
Nevermore - The Obsidian Conspiracy
Misery Index - Fed to the Wolves
Fallen Angels - Engines Of Oppression
Dew-Scented - Torn to Shreds
Mind-War - Emergence
Soulfly - Great Depression
Amorphis - Black Winter Day
Meshuggah - Future Breed Machine
Coroner - Reborn Through Hate
Morbid Angel - Where The Slime Lives
Pantera - Fucking Hostile
Come - Come With Me If You Want To Live
Life Of Agony - Through And Through
Cynic - Veil of Maya
Rot - Restricted
Candlemass - Samarithan
Sabrina - Boys


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Re: Moshpit - Entrevistas a Birdflesh [swe], Jucifer [us] e Immolation [us]

Mensagempor irondoom » terça jun 08, 2010 9:25 pm

Têm que voltar mesmo à normalidade, pois este último de normal nada teve!
Muito menos gajos normais! Por mim falo! :lol:
Força aí camaradas e venham mais 100 sem S! :P

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Sir Sardine
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Re: Moshpit - Entrevistas a Birdflesh [swe], Jucifer [us] e Immolation [us]

Mensagempor Sir Sardine » quarta jun 09, 2010 11:48 am

Toma lá Sabrina e cala-te! :mrgreen:

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Re: Moshpit - Especial Emissão 100

Mensagempor Cyberquake » quarta jun 09, 2010 4:34 pm

Bump for great justice!

A todos os convidados, novamente um muito obrigado pela vossa comparência! :beer:

Aos restantes, novidades para breve!

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Re: Moshpit - Especial Emissão 100

Mensagempor MIG-EQUALEFT » quinta jun 10, 2010 5:00 pm

Obrigado Ao Moshpit Mr.Cyber e Sardine e aos restantes músicos que lá estavam :D
faltou a Sabrina

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Re: Moshpit - Especial Emissão 100

Mensagempor revolutionwithin » segunda jun 14, 2010 11:24 am

Foi uma tarde bem passada!

Obrigado pelo convite e abraço para todos!

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Re: Moshpit - Esta semana: Entrevistas a Haemorrhage [sp], Decayed, Aura Noir [nor] e Vomitory [swe]

Mensagempor Cyberquake » terça jun 15, 2010 6:53 pm

MoshPit 101 - Entrevistas a Haemorrhage [sp], Decayed, Aura Noir [nor] e Vomitory [swe]

Conforme prometido, esta semana voltamos ao rescaldo da 13ª edição do SWR Barroselas Metalfest, com entrevistas a Haemorrhage, aos nacionais Decayed e aos headliners Aura Noir e Vomitory.

Ficamos também com as novidades de Aeon, Nachtmystium, Brain Drill, Fleshgod Apocalypse, 1349, entre outros! Na próxima semana encerraremos o rescaldo ao SWR com as restantes entrevistas. Até lá!


Spoiler: Mostrar
Nachtmystium - Addicts
Necromonicon - Into the Fire
Domination Through Tmpurity - Masochist
Aeon - Kill Them All
Heaven Shall Burn - The Omen
Entrevista Haemorrhage
Haemorrhage - Excavating the Iliac Fossa
Nervochaos - Total Satan
Skyforger - The Devilslayer
Fleshgod Apocalypse - Abyssal
Brain Drill - Monumental Failure
Armored Saint - Head On
Entrevista Decayed
Decayed - Blitzkrieg Bop (Ramones Cover)
Psi-Kotica - Hell Is Here
Order of Ennead - The Scriptures of Purification
1349 - When I Was Flesh
Entrevista - Aura Noir
Aura Noir - Death-Mask
Entrevista - Vomitory
Vomitory - Ripe Cadavers

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Re: Moshpit - Esta semana: Entrevistas a General Surgery [swe], Mithras [uk], Nesseria [fr] e Dying Fetus [us]

Mensagempor Cyberquake » terça jun 22, 2010 4:42 pm

MoshPit 102 - Entrevistas a General Surgery [swe], Mithras [uk], Nesseria [fr] e Dying Fetus [us]

Tempo de finalizar o rescaldo ao SWR Barroselas Metalfest, com as últimas entrevistas realizadas, nomeadamente às bandas General Surgery, Mithras, Nesseria e finalmente aos headliners Dying Fetus.

Aproveitamos também para divulgar algumas novidades, tais como os novos trabalhos de October Falls, Averse, Anathema, Lantlôs, os nacionais A Dream of Poe, entre outros.


Spoiler: Mostrar
October Falls - A Collapse of Faith Part III
Averse - The Endesque Chants
Entrevista - General Surgery
General Surgery - Ichor
Disharmonic Orchestra - The Unequalled Visual Response Mechanism
Inferia - Sex Is a Process
Lividity - Surrounded By Disgust
Entrevista - Mithras
Mithras - Behind The Shadows
Lantlôs - These nights were ours
A Dream of Poe - Lady of Shalott
Anathema - Get Off, Get Out
Entrevista - Nesseria
Nesseria - A Ceux Qui Nous Ont Laches
Keep of Kalessin - The Divine Land
Fantasy Opus - Mystic Messenger
Thunder And Lightning - Horizon
Entrevista - Dying Fetus
Dying Fetus - For Us or Against Us
Irreverence - Echoes Of War (Featuring Tom Angelripper)
Pest - Decontamination


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Re: Moshpit - Esta semana: Entrevistas a General Surgery [swe], Mithras [uk], Nesseria [fr] e Dying Fetus [us]

Mensagempor Cyberquake » segunda jul 19, 2010 11:13 am

MoshPit 103 - Semana 19 a 25 de Julho 2010

Regressamos às emissões após um período conturbado de exames académicos (que ainda não terminou!), pelo que o programa desta semana faz uma "colectânea" de temas de vários lançamentos ao longo do nosso período de inactividade. Bandas como Blind Guardian, Mastodon, Impureza, Machetazo, Ozzy Osbourne, Severe Torture, Menace Ruine são apenas alguns dos nomes disponíveis no programa desta semana.

Na próxima semana não haverá edição, pelo que regressaremos daqui a 2semanas, com um especial ao Vagos Open Air 2010.


Blind Guardian - A Voice in the Dark
Ozzy Osbourne - Let Me Hear You Scream
Magma Rise - Time Has Been Given
Mastodon - Train Assault
Abinaya - Corps
Impureza - Las Iglesias Del Odio
Machetazo - Arrastrándose Sólo (Corrupted cover)
Incantation - The Ibex Moon
Menace Ruine - The Upper Hand
Cellbound - Bleed Through Me
IR8 - Nothing
And Hell Followed With - This Night Is The Coroners
Disavowed - Treason
Severe Torture - Unholy Misconception
Dark Wings Syndrome - Spiritual Emotions
Fen - Colossal Voids
Equilibrium - Fahrtwind
Necrophobic - The Ancients Gate
Interment - Sacrificial Torment
Bloodwritten - Whore
Gargula - V12
Eardelete - Scars

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