2025.01.24_25 - XAPADA Fest - RCA Club - Alvalade - Lisboa

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2025.01.24_25 - XAPADA Fest - RCA Club - Alvalade - Lisboa

Mensagempor nekronos » quarta jun 26, 2024 10:17 am


XAPADA FEST 2025 - 1st line-up announcement

[EN]: We present you the Bands for the new edition of Xapada Fest, that will take place on the 24th and 25th January 2025 at RCA Club (Lisbon). To kick-off the year in style, we shall bring to you Haemorrhage, Ingested, Disavowed, Vulvodynia, Korpse, Acranius, Sacred Sin, Nashgul, Meat Spreader, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Utopium, Destroyers of All, Morto, Konad, Volière, Unhallowed Deliverance, Not Without Fighting, Rageful, Dekathexis and Vomitous Iniquity

The tickets are already available at xapadafest.bigcartel.com or at xxxapada.fest@gmail.com ! The tickets will be available at the discount price of 60€ until the end of August

See you soon

[PT]: É com grande prazer que vos apresentamos as bandas do nosso cartaz para a nova edição do Xapada Fest, que terá lugar nos dias 24 e 25 de janeiro 2025 no RCA Club (Lisboa). Para começar o ano em estilo, trazemos-vos, Haemorrhage, Ingested, Disavowed, Vulvodynia, Korpse, Acranius, Sacred Sin, Nashgul, Meat Spreader, Pulmonary Fibrosis, Utopium, Destroyers of All, Morto, Konad, Volière, Unhallowed Deliverance, Not Without Fighting, Rageful, Dekathexis e Vomitous Iniquity

Os bilhetes já se encontram disponíveis em xapadafest.bigcartel.com ou em xxxapada.fest@gmail.com com o preço promocional de 60€ até ao final do mês de agosto.

Até breve


Última edição por nekronos em sábado jan 18, 2025 11:14 am, editado 5 vezes no total.
Nekronos Promotion Hell :
Site oficial: http://nekronospromotion.blogspot.pt
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nekronospromotionhell
Supporting the Underground... Above Ground!

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Localização: Lisboa

Re: 2025.01.24_25 - XAPADA Fest - RCA Club - Alvalade - Lisboa

Mensagempor nekronos » terça ago 13, 2024 6:37 pm

Nekronos Promotion Hell :
Site oficial: http://nekronospromotion.blogspot.pt
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nekronospromotionhell
Supporting the Underground... Above Ground!

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Mensagens: 2959
Registado: sexta nov 10, 2006 9:36 pm
Localização: Lisboa

Re: 2025.01.24_25 - XAPADA Fest - RCA Club - Alvalade - Lisboa

Mensagempor nekronos » quinta set 19, 2024 6:27 pm


[EN]: Here it is, our final line up for the next edition of Xapada Fest, that will take place on the 24th and 25th January 2025. Please welcome INGESTED , Disavowed and Sacred Sin ! Sadly, Vulvodynia had to cancel due to conflicting commitments, you can read the band’s statement below.
The tickets are still available at xapadafest.bigcartel.com or xxxapada.fest@gmail.com for the price of 60€!

[PT]: Aqui está ele, o nosso cartaz final para a próxima edição do Xapada, que vai ter lugar nos dias 24 e 25 de janeiro 2025. Por favor deem as boas vindas aos Ingested, Disavowed e Sacred Sin! Infelizmente os Vulvodynia tiveram que cancelar a sua presença devido a conflitos de agenda, o statement da banda está disponível em baixo.
Os bilhetes ainda estão disponíveis em xapadafest.bigcartel.com ou em xxxapada.fest@gmail.com pelo preço de 60€

Vulvodynia 's statement:

To all our fans in Portugal,
It’s with a heavy heart that we have to announce we’re unable to perform at XAPADA Fest this year due to conflicting commitments. We were incredibly excited to bring our show to the festival and connect with all of you, so this decision wasn’t made lightly.
Portugal has always been a special place for us, and we want to assure you that we will be back at the earliest possible opportunity. Thank you for your understanding and continued support—we can’t wait to return and make it up to you soon.
With much love and respect,
Nekronos Promotion Hell :
Site oficial: http://nekronospromotion.blogspot.pt
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nekronospromotionhell
Supporting the Underground... Above Ground!

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Mensagens: 2959
Registado: sexta nov 10, 2006 9:36 pm
Localização: Lisboa

Re: 2025.01.24_25 - XAPADA Fest - RCA Club - Alvalade - Lisboa

Mensagempor nekronos » quarta out 16, 2024 10:05 pm



[ENG] Soon we'll open up the pre-orders for our merch for next year's edition of Xapada, so here it's the artwork
Tickets are still available at xxxapada.fest@gmail.com and at xapadafest.bigcartel.com

[PT] Em breve iremos abrir as pré-vendas do nosso merch para a próxima edição do Xapada, até lá, fiquem com o artwork
Os bilhetes ainda estão disponíveis em xxxapada.fest@gmail.com e em xapadafest.bigcartel.com
Nekronos Promotion Hell :
Site oficial: http://nekronospromotion.blogspot.pt
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nekronospromotionhell
Supporting the Underground... Above Ground!

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Mensagens: 2959
Registado: sexta nov 10, 2006 9:36 pm
Localização: Lisboa

Re: 2025.01.24_25 - XAPADA Fest - RCA Club - Alvalade - Lisboa

Mensagempor nekronos » sábado jan 18, 2025 11:14 am

Tickets/info: xapadafest.bigcartel.com / xxxapada.fest@gmail.com


Nekronos Promotion Hell :
Site oficial: http://nekronospromotion.blogspot.pt
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/nekronospromotionhell
Supporting the Underground... Above Ground!

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