2024.11.11_12 - EVERGREY + Klogr, and Virtual Symmetry - RCA Club (Lisboa)/Hard Club (Porto)

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2024.11.11_12 - EVERGREY + Klogr, and Virtual Symmetry - RCA Club (Lisboa)/Hard Club (Porto)

Mensagempor xtr3me » quarta jun 12, 2024 12:21 pm

Finalmente de volta a Portugal! :jam: :beer:


After more than 30 years of existence, GOTHENBURG'S finest metal masters EVERGREY are far away from slowing things down. The five-piece, led by founder, singer and guitarist Tom S. Englund, will release its fourteenth studio album, Theories of Emptiness, on June 7, 2024 via Napalm Records. Without any doubt, the new album marks one of the most dynamic records the band has ever crafted throughout their impressive career. Theories of Emptiness was produced by Tom S. Englund and Jonas Ekdahl and was mixed by Adam "Nolly" Getgood (ex-Periphery), who worked closely with the band from the start bringing out the vividness of the album’s overall sonic profile. Rounding out the album’s production, mastering was helmed by Thomas “Plec” Johansson (Soilwork, The Night Flight Orchestra, Onslaught, The Gems, Eleine and many more).
EVERGREY celebrates their new album "Theories Of Emptiness" with a huge European tour in November and December 2024, which has 2 dates in Portugal:

11 November at RCA Club in Lisbon.
12 November at Hard Club in Oporto.

In this tour, Evergrey will have as special guests KLOGR and VIRTUAL SYMMETRY

Bilhetes: 27 euros

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